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Compositions and Licencing
Would you like to commission a work? Perhaps you have a film or project that needs a background score. Please visit Misha Kolesoski's page for rates and have a listen to the library to see if there is something you like. Prices are reasonable and deadlines are always met.
Would you like to commission a work? Perhaps you have a film or project that needs a background score. Please visit Misha Kolesoski's page for rates and have a listen to the library to see if there is something you like. Prices are reasonable and deadlines are always met.
Personal or Professional Coaching
Dr. Wheeler offers coaching for overcoming grief, trauma, and fear. For those looking to venture into their next phase of life and achieve even more than you thought possible. Please reach out and take the first step.
Dr. Wheeler offers coaching for overcoming grief, trauma, and fear. For those looking to venture into their next phase of life and achieve even more than you thought possible. Please reach out and take the first step.
SpiderKing Studios
Our friends and sister organization over at SKS are always hard at work creating cinema in Douglas County, Oregon. In addition to their fun/engaging films, they also do work with local small business for commercials and corporate events. Visit their page here.
The Society for the Advancement of Local Arts and Literature
SALAL is an arts and humanities organization dedicated to fostering and developing distinct culture in the region it takes place. Membership is free and is one of our partner organizations. Visit the website here. |